Cats and dogs will soon be united in a battle against a mass outbreak of fleas.
The recent Europe-wide heatwave that gripped the UK, followed by a period of heavy rain and flooding, is said to have created an ideal breeding ground for the insects, which could have pets up and down the country scratching at their fur with extreme vigour within the next few weeks.
Other possible symptoms include hair loss, spots and redness, with humans also a potential target for bites.
According to the boss of retailer Pets At Home, the tiny creatures will begin to make their presence felt among our furry friends well before the end of the month.
Chief executive Peter Pritchard said: “In about three weeks’ time, we will see a mass outbreak of fleas.”
The RSPCA says that pets can be hypersensitive to flea saliva and suffer an allergic reaction, while younger and frail animals could become weak or even die as a result of blood loss.
Pets that are infected should also be treated for worms, as flea larvae can become infected with tapeworm eggs.